Got a case of the Monday Blues? Don’t feel bad your not the only one with a case of the Monday blues, on average, most people don’t even crack a first smile until 11:16 a.m., reports The Telegraph. Believe it or not their are several cures for the case of the Monday Blues and they can all be found in your supermarket.

Three supermarket items you can use to cure yourself of the Monday Blues:

Fresh supermarket flowers– Nature provides us with a way to improve your emotional health and that is FLOWERS! According to behavioral research conducted at Rutgers University in New Jersey, having flowers around naturally triggers happy emotions and heightens feelings of life satisfaction. Flowers are also known for inspiring creativity, so bloggers, designers, and anyone in a creative field surround yourself with flowers.

Here is a quick tip: Pick up a bouquet of supermarket flowers that match the colors of your office. Supermarkets have excellent quality flowers with 5 day freshness guarantees  and a vast variety of colors and styles.  Get that flower bouquet and break it up into two or three smaller bouquets and hand them out to some coworkers, not only will it cure your blues but you can pay to forward to others.

Fresh apples– “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, apples contain a natural sugar called fructose that can wake you up and keep you moving. Apples also contain carbohydrates,  which as we all know gives the body energy to keep it moving without causing it to crash later on in the day like coffee.

Fresh sheet of paper– Before you begin your Monday, write out your to do list in a fresh sheet of paper. This will prevent  you from feeling overwhelmed if you see your to do list from the previous week. Remember Monday is all about a fresh start for the week and a fresh sheet of paper is a great way to feel optimistic for the beginning of the week.

These are three inexpensive items you can find at your local supermarket that can really help you cure your Monday Blues. Don’t forget to share this with others, so one day in the future the case of the Monday Blues can be cured.

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